This is my open diary. No, I’m not just gonna word vomit every thought that travels through my mind throughout the day, that would be….well…that would…let’s just say I’ll be sticking mostly to travel and existential crises that I have. Maybe I’ll mix in a lil pop culture. Sports may slip in. For all I know, I may just need to fire off a hot take, but hey, at the end of the day this is my column to share where my mind departs to on the daily.


Below Deck is the Perfect Travel Show
Wyatt Cashman Wyatt Cashman

Below Deck is the Perfect Travel Show

I open the floor to debate what is the best show, movie, book, game, entertainment option when it comes to how you occupy yourself at 30,000 feet. I have plenty of different arguments I’ve made for this specific topic. But today, I’m here to argue why Below Deck, specifically Below Deck Mediterranean with Captain Sandy, is the perfect travel show

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The Problem with Travel
Wyatt Cashman Wyatt Cashman

The Problem with Travel

I’ve spent the last decade of my life with travel near or at the top of my priority list. Much of my life choices have revolved around new experiences and different cities. I’ve looked to expand my food pallet and understand different cultures. I’ve moved to different cities and states. I launched a travel brand. I say all of this to paint the picture of how important travel is to me. However, there is a problem I face when traveling.

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Airport Oasis: the Best Shower of My Life
Wyatt Cashman Wyatt Cashman

Airport Oasis: the Best Shower of My Life

I’m a big shower guy. Good news for anyone who ever hangs around me. Personal hygiene is important! But it’s more than just the hygiene aspect. It’s a part of my routine. It’s like a cup of coffee to jolt me awake in preparation of the day’s adventure. It’s also a huge reason why I dislike camping. The filth accompanied with the lack of shower options create my worst nightmare.

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The Internal Struggle with Massages
Wyatt Cashman Wyatt Cashman

The Internal Struggle with Massages

People love massages. They’re romantic. They’re relaxing. They’re healing. They’re soothing. Everybody only has nothing but great things to say about massages. When I complain about a stiff shoulder, someone from behind a bush will jump-scare screaming I need to get a massage. No matter what mood you’re in or how your body feels at any given moment, the answer to fix or maintain that feeling is a massage.

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Why I Don’t Unpack
Wyatt Cashman Wyatt Cashman

Why I Don’t Unpack

Coming back from a trip is always a hassle. There’s the obvious - going back to work! No more 5 days of enjoying the afternoon however you so please with a cocktail by the pool. Then there’s the less spoken about post-trip Return to Reality responsibilities that drown you the second you walk through the door. And somewhere in there is the need to unpack a weeks’ worth of carefree wadded up mess.

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From Vacay to Everyday: the Return to Reality Bootcamp
Wyatt Cashman Wyatt Cashman

From Vacay to Everyday: the Return to Reality Bootcamp

We as a society fixate on the laundry list of things that need to be done pre-travel. There are millions of blogs, videos, posts that dive deep into the strategies to master the clothes to pack, the must-dos for itineraries, when to buy airline tickets, on and on and on! (Lowkey only one source really nailed it *cough cough*) But NOBODY talks about the strategies and techniques to master life post-travel.

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Vacation from a Vacation
Wyatt Cashman Wyatt Cashman

Vacation from a Vacation

The phrase has become a bit of a cliche. Plus, I could sit here and nitpick that if you need a vacation from your vacation than you didn’t go on a vacation but rather a trip. There’s a whole science between trip and vacation. As I sit here, I do admit I could use a vacation from my vacation trip.

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Jet Lag: The Unexpected Productivity Hack You’ve Been Overlooking
Wyatt Cashman Wyatt Cashman

Jet Lag: The Unexpected Productivity Hack You’ve Been Overlooking

Staring at the near pitch-black ceiling that is only visible thanks to the single ray of light from the lamp post two blocks down that slipped through the crack of the window shades, I wonder how much longer I can lay here. I tap around my nightstand like a game of whack-o-mole in search of my phone. 4:17am.

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Out of Office
Wyatt Cashman Wyatt Cashman

Out of Office

Sorry I can’t come to the phone right now! How personal are these things supposed to be? Do I just say “hey, reach out to so and so if you need anything.” Do I add something about having my phone on me for emergencies even though we know I will not be responding to any work emergencies?

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Kilimanjaro: Pre-Interview
Wyatt Cashman Wyatt Cashman

Kilimanjaro: Pre-Interview

Oh boy, I’ve been planning this trip for centuries…or so it seems. I should be EXCITED yet somehow anxiety is winning the match. Maybe because I’ll be climbing to new heights in all facets of my life (Yeah, that was a terrible pun that I forced a bit too hard and I’m sorry.) Change and new things bring me stress, yet I consistently put myself in these situations

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Why Do I want to Hike Kilimanjaro
Wyatt Cashman Wyatt Cashman

Why Do I want to Hike Kilimanjaro

Oh boy, I’ve been planning this trip for centuries…or so it seems. I should be EXCITED yet somehow anxiety is winning the match. Maybe because I’ll be climbing to new heights in all facets of my life (Yeah, that was a terrible pun that I forced a bit too hard and I’m sorry.) Change and new things bring me stress, yet I consistently put myself in these situations

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The Trip to Save $20
Wyatt Cashman Wyatt Cashman

The Trip to Save $20

I like to consider myself a strategist. In developing a plan to squeeze in a movie before our trip, I had been scoping out movie theaters - seats and timing. I always get sticker shock when I go to confirm purchase. We usually snag the AMC 2 tickets & $20 gift card from Costco but I wasn’t sure if we’d have the time.

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Is Captain America Brave New World a good airplane movie?
Wyatt Cashman Wyatt Cashman

Is Captain America Brave New World a good airplane movie?

Picking the right movie for an airplane ride is a high-stakes decision—one wrong choice, and you’re either awkwardly-sobbing next to a stranger or awkwardly shielding your screen from a totally unnecessary nude scene at full brightness praying nobody sees you. Cap has enough action to keep you engaged, but not so much that it feels like a sensory overload on a tiny, glitchy screen.

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Where We Went Wrong with Valentine’s Day
Wyatt Cashman Wyatt Cashman

Where We Went Wrong with Valentine’s Day

Elementary school is where you’re first introduced to the idea of Valentine’s Day with candy, cards, and decorated boxes. Really all anyone cared about was the candy. I’ll give you that. When it comes to the importance of candy and Valentine’s Day we never strayed. But one key area changes as we get older, and we went down the wrong path.

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Friday Jr.
Wyatt Cashman Wyatt Cashman

Friday Jr.

The vibes shift, the mood lifts, and suddenly even the most dreaded tasks don’t seem so bad because you can feel just how close you are to stepping into two glorious days of doing whatever the hell you want. Whether it’s a wild night with the crew, a lazy morning slouching on the couch, or just the joy of knowing your alarm can’t attack you. It’s all in the anticipation. And it all starts Thursday.

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Snack Dilemma
Wyatt Cashman Wyatt Cashman

Snack Dilemma

On the surface, there are a ton of clouds that shield the office with very few rays of sunshine slipping through to you when you’re glued down in the cube. But this is our life for the next few decades, so the game to master is spotting excitement throughout the day with the objects provided by your office admin.

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Tomato Juice
Wyatt Cashman Wyatt Cashman

Tomato Juice

I would not consider myself a fan of tomato soup but when you’re having a grilled cheese it’s a must. Honestly, not even really a fan of grilled cheese but when Chantel is the one doing the grocery shopping, it’s really not my place to say. Great, my first daily departure and you’re probably wondering what I do like.

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