Out of Office
Sorry I can’t come to the phone right now! How personal are these things supposed to be? Do I just say “hey, reach out to so and so if you need anything.” Do I add something about having my phone on me for emergencies even though we know I will not be responding to any work emergencies?
But no seriously, do I put some personality in this thing so people can get a glimpse of who I am outside of the cube or just keep it “high level” and “professional” “I will be out of office xx-xx. Contact X while I’m away. Apologies for any inconvenience.” Makes me wanna vomit.
Anyways, I will be out of office from this column. There’ll be trips I keep these daily departures coming but don’t anticipate much wifi on Kilimanjaro or out in the Serengeti.
I’m sure I’ll have plenty to share when I return!