Tomato Juice

I would not consider myself a fan of tomato soup but when you’re having a grilled cheese it’s a must. Honestly, not even really a fan of grilled cheese but when Chantel is the one doing the grocery shopping, it’s really not my place to say. Great, my first daily departure and you’re probably wondering what I do like.

Here’s the deal, the floor for tomato soup is sooooo low while the ceiling…well…also low. If you get a bad bowl of tomato soup, you might as well just flip open the cap of a Heinz bottle and shoot the ketchup right down your gullet. And this takes us to why we are even here.

There’s a crowd out there that claims that Ginger Ale is the superior airline beverage of choice. Actually, I’m likely in the minority when it comes to the belief, Ginger Ale is second tier. But, it very well could be that I just haven’t given it a true chance.

Growing up, when the flight attendant would wheel the cart down the aisle and stop at our row, I felt like a kid in a candy shop. So many choices to choose from! But before I’d get a chance to order a coke, the parents would intervene to ensure I had a ginger ale. The very thing every kid wants…yippeee!!!

Okay, but what does any of this have to do with tomato soup.

Well, you see, I had to draw a clear divide between me and the ginger ale crowd, so my point becomes more dramatic as enemies become lovers allies!

During these days of youth, my family would often fly out to Boston. In my family's entourage, my grandmother. And nothing brought her more joy than seeing all the incredible options on the beverage cart and turning them all down. Instead, with her own free will would say without the smallest ounce of sarcasm, “I’ll have a tomato juice!”

Without doubt, the flight attendant would begin a game of where’s waldo trying to find the lone can of tomato juice. Meanwhile, I’m asking for a piece of gum to help pop my ears cause I’m in such disbelief that someone would order a tomato juice…on a plane of all places.

And this is where I extend an olive branch to those I’ve upset earlier in this column.

We can sit and have a debate for hours over the best drink to have on an airplane. But, when it comes to what is the worst drink to have on an airplane, I think we can all agree that tomato juice sits atop by itself.


Snack Dilemma