Friday Jr.

The vibes shift, the mood lifts, and suddenly even the most dreaded tasks don’t seem so bad because you can feel just how close you are to stepping into two glorious days of doing whatever the hell you want. Whether it’s a wild night with the crew, a lazy morning slouching on the couch, or just the joy of knowing your alarm can’t attack you. It’s all in the anticipation. And it all starts Thursday.

Yeah, yeah, I hear you Friday is great too. But Friday is technically the weekend. You can go ahead and fight me in the comments, but if you’re gonna count Sunday night as a school night and mope around with the Sunday scaries, but have Friday filled with the fun and excitement, than I’m declaring Friday as the weekend. Because it is.

Nevertheless, Friday Jr. is the MVP of the week. Because it is all in the anticipation.

As is the days leading up to a vacation.

Sure, there’s plenty of stress that week - what to pack, where will the pets stay, how much to pack, booking the final activities, what bag to use, working overtime to lighten the work you leave behind, what is the weather going to be like, strategizing the groceries to have enough but not too much, how many books to bring.

Okay, most of the stress is around packing naturally but there is a bit of fun in that chaos.

The trip you’ve been saving for and planning for and keeping you from taking a bath with a toaster….

You can imagine how great life will be once you enter this amazing adventure. Because once day one comes, the timer starts, and that trip slips away.

Happy Friday Jr. Enjoy it!


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